The other day at school the teacher asked if I draw freehand. I said "I draw with this hand." *pointing to my right hand*
I didn't understand what "freehand" meant yet, LOL.

This is Wolverine. I drew him in last period after I finished my homework for a drawing contest in my group (Just 4 desks put together. We're not a gang.) I won. Obviously.

This is a Random Native American. He was also done in last period.

This is Prince of Persia. I drew it a few weeks ago because I was bored. That's how I end up doing all of my drawings. Boredom.

This is God of War. I drew it because I like the game...a lot.

This is a close up of the same drawing.

This is Deadpool. My mother and I both think this is my best drawing so far. The reason is because it has different lights on different parts. My mother says it's "shading".
The reason it looks weird is because MD Jr (my mother) took 3 different pictures to try to get the detail and then put them all together.
(Yeah, that's right, blame it on the mom.)
In the future, I will take pictures before I fold my drawings up. Maybe...
I hope you enjoy them.
Now playing: Busta Rhymes - Arab Money Remixvia FoxyTunes
Evan! Your drawings are awesome! Rock on!
Thanks. I don't know what drawing I'll do next. Maybe Batman or some random warrior...
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