Stolen from,
GirltaristHanThe last thing I ate was A whole large Domino's Pizza in like 20 minutes...
The last song i listened to Strip- Chris Brown ft. Kevin McCall. Well, that's what's playing now.
Using the letters in my name I can spell: (Evan) Eager, Exit, Escalade, Van, very, vary, annoyed, aristocrat, air, new, no, nerd. There's obviously a lot more words considering the letters in my first name.
If I had to dress in one color for the rest of my life it would be: Purple. Cause I'd be a pimp.
If you were to look in my bag right now you’d find: Steel toe boots, a free tech college bag with an estimated worth of sixty-four cents, a shirt
inside said bag, a history book from 1994, not exaggerating, an Algebra 2 book, and two empty binders. I think that's all..... It's a duffel bag.
When I finish filling in the blanks I'm going to: Watch more Youtube videos.
My all time favorite song to dance to is: Well, I don't dance. But if i had to choose, it'd probably be #STUPiDFACEDD (yes, that's how the title is written)by Wallpaper.
Considering my track record for updates, this more than likely won't be a weekly thing.